(b. Feb. 3, 1957, Lucknow)

Umesh Kumar Saxena

लकीरों की लय के अद्भुत चितेरे प्रो. उमेश कुमार सक्सेना अपनी कलाकृतियोंमें प्रकृति का अनुसरण करते हुए पौराणिक कथाओं को विभिन्न रूपों में साकार करते हैं। वे भारत की चटक रंगों वाली बहु आयामी संस्कृति के कोमल, पारदर्शी और अविस्मरणीय आयामों को रचते हैं और उनमें गहरे आत्मचिंतन की अनुभूतियों को सहेजते हैं।
इन चित्रों की विभिन्न संरचनाओं से गुजरते हुए आनंद, शांति, गति और उत्सुकता की अनन्य दिशाओं से गुजरना होता है। यहाँ चित्रकार के निरंतर अभ्यास, गहन चेतना और कुशाग्र संरचाओं पर की गयी साधना को साक्षात देखा जा सकता है। कलादीर्घा में उनकी मोहक आकृतियाँ दर्शकों के मन को गहराई से छूती हैं और देर तक यादों में बसी रहती हैं।
कला की दुनिया में वे अपनी अप्रतिम कलाकृतियों के कारण अलग पहचान रखते हैं। अपने इस विशेष योगदान के लिये वे कलाजगत के सर्वाधिक सम्मानित चित्रकारों में से एक हैं।

– पूर्णिमा वर्मन
साहित्यकार, संपादक, शिक्षाविद


Umesh Kumar Saxena is among the leading contemporary artists of India who have earned respect for their work within and outside India.

Umesh creates what may be termed poetry of colours.  His horizon is wide, which combines his vision, aesthetics, craft, and is beyond what is visible to eye in isolation. It’s deeper than the colours he uses though they appeal even to the untrained eyes. His creations are not just observations.  They evince his insight.

At the zenith of his creativity today, Umesh  Saxena’s work stands out, winning critics’ and connoisseurs’ acclaim, viewers’ fancy and buyers’ interest, all alike.

Born in Lucknow in 1957, Umesh took to colours when very young.  Later , even while a student, he showed the spark, winning award every year in College of Arts, Lucknow.

He has been honoured by several prestegious awards of India like State Award by UPSLKA UP – Lucknow – 1983, All India Award by AIFACS New Delhi – 1980, NATIONAL AWARD by National LKA., New Delhi – 1987, REGIONAL AWARD by UPSLKA UP – Lucknow – 1999, All INDIA AWARD by S.C.Z.C.C. NAGPUR – 2004, All India Award in Senior Category By Bikhu Ram Jain Foundation , New Delhi – 2008 and several times ANNUAL EXHIBITION AWARD given by – COLLEGE OF ARTS and CRAFTS Lucknow. In 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979.

Umesh Saxena has been  invited in many  prestegious exhibition of India like All India Youth Art Exhibition organized by SKP New Delhi – 1985,Inter Exchange of Artist of U.P., several times since 1973 – 1989 at different places in India and Abroad.

National Awards Winner Exhibition organized in 1991, “ SWARNREKHA “ – Exhibition of National & Triennale awardees 2004 , New Delhi, at the time of fifty years of celebrations of National LKA at New Delhi, City Utsav at Bombay organized by Citibank – 1992, Silver Jubilee Exhibition organized by UPSLKA at Lucknow – 1989, New Delhi – 1990, Zonal Art Exhibition organized by NCZCC at New Delhi – 1996 and Regional Art Exhibition organized by RLKK Lucknow, at Gujarat and Lucknow – 2001.

Where   this young artist has twelve solo shows of his work at various places of India, he was also involved in many group shows in India and abroad as Pavement Show of Drawing FIRST OF ITS KIND: at Lucknow, UP – 1977 &  New Delhi – 1978. W.GERMANY – 1998 and many group shows in India and Abroad. Several Group Shows from different places in India from 1977 to 2007.

Some more feathers to his cap include permanent collection of his work on the walls  of some of the prestigious places of India and Abroad UP.( State LalitKala Acadmey) – Lucknow, U.P. State Government Guest house Lucknow. UP Chief Minister – House Lucknow, National LKA New Delhi, National gallery of Modern Arts New Delhi,Punjab LKA Chandigarh, Goa State Museum, Rooric Art Gallery at Nagar (HP),Governors – House UP Lucknow, West Germany, Bhikhu Ram Jain Foundation, New Delhi  Several as well as in  personal private collection in India and Abroad.


He was also honoured with the post of Vice-Chairman of State Lalit Kala Acadmey,U.P. And G.C. member of National lalit Kala academy, New Delhi and many other important committees in India.

To quench his thrust  and passion for art he attended many seminars and workshops like All India Artist Camp & Seminar on multidimensional art organized by UP SLKA at Kanpur 1978, All India Artist camp organized by RLKK Lucknow at Lucknow 1987. All India Painter Camp organized by UP SLKA at Nainital 1985. All India Painter Camp organized by UP SLKA at Mathura 1994. All India Painter Camp organized by Punjab LKA at Chandigarh – 1992. Water Color and Drawing Camp Organized by SLKA at Bhimtal – 1997. Seminar on Art education org. by RLKK, Lko – 2001 (Paper Read).All India Painters Camp organized by RLKK, Lko – 2001.Art Festival organized by SSKS, Guwahati – 2006.Installation workshop organized by Faculty of Fine Arts, Lucknow University – 2001.All India Painters Camps at Rishikesh organized by CCZCC – 2007.All India Art Festival Organised by Bhikhu Ram Jain Foundation at Art Mall, New Delhi, 2009.


Where Umesh Saxena do have  administrative capabilities under which he has successfully coordinated Seminar on Art Education organized by Rashtriya Lalit Kala Kendra, Lucknow – 2001, he also participated many art exhibitions all over India.

Umesh has also querated group showa for gallerys several times and commisioned work (mural) for UP State Govt. on the sunjest of Birsha Munda’s life for his mueseum.